How cloud synchronization can spread malware inside your business

Cloud synchronization is the practice of using cloud-based servers to update files which are held in different locations.

It’s pretty straight forward, and provides many benefits to organizations.

Cloud synchronizing allows files to be automatically uploaded to a cloud server for backup purposes or for use by other users.

Cloud synchronization sounds harmless, right?

Most cloud services give you, the IT professional, the opportunity to synchronization folders, and files inside these folders.

Any file placed in these folder are automatically uploaded to your cloud space, and the employee’s inside your company can now access them for general business reasons. It’s great for positive user experiences in your office. But cloud synchronization can also be used to sprad malicious malware.

For instance, if ransom ware has infected one of the users on your system, and encrypted specific files on your cloud directory, these corrupted files will be uploaded and replace the legitimate files. These corrupted pieces of data are then pushed to the other users on your network, which happen to be using your cloud synchronization tool. This equates to the spreading of infected files by your cloud synchronization tool, which was ultimately supposed to provide a healthy backup option for the files on your network.

If this happens, you now may even lack a backup to all your legitimate files, as the remaining copies of your data were replaced with infected ones. This malware could have also infected other users, inadvertently.

What the experts are saying.

A Global Cloud Report from Netskope found that 11% of enterprises surveyed had at least one cloud application storing malware. That number is likely to increase significantly. This same report predicted that over a quarter of the malware found, had been synchronized to other users.

Check out the report here.

The solution.

One of the most critical pieces to defending against cloud malware is ensuring sensitive data stored in the cloud is backed up and uses the correct versioning.

This will ensure archived versions are available, and protected from malware that would otherwise seek to replace legitimate files and data.

Also, uploading sensitive data needs to be monitored. Any abnormal behavior will indicate a malware infection. Your cloud application should be configured to scan for malicious software.

Learn how to prevent malware on your cloud servers.

Now that you know a bit more about how malware can affect your business technology, learn how we can help. Email us here to learn more about how we can help your business make preventing malware a priority.