
digiSUPPORT - IT Support - digiSYNCThis is the action of storing your company’s data, in case of a hardware failure, software issue, or malicious-virus attack on any of your IT systems. The goal of an IT backup process is to copy your business data to a secure place or device, where that data can be recovered in case of some sort of loss.

Disaster recovery

This is the idea of having a plan, a.k.a. disaster recovery plan (DRP), in preparation of some sort of natural disaster or human error, such as a flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, theft or security breach. A disaster recovery plan is just that; a recovery plan, as it recovers all your critical business data like financial information, operational related documents, customer data, CRM systems, etc.

If a disaster occurs, a DRP, is immediately put into place, thus alleviating the stresses surrounding business resources, IT equipment, and records. The goal of a disaster recovery plan is to get back to operation as normal as possible, as quickly as possible, through restoring your crucial IT business systems.

Business Continuity

This should also be called a ‘common sense plan’. A business and IT continuity plan takes responsibility for your companies IT and business needs and enables your construction office, healthcare organization or entertainment production company to stay operational, no matter what disaster affects you. A business continuity plan addresses IT and business facets like:

  • Will you be able to communicate using your phone system or VoIP system?
  • Can your office function in case of a disaster?
  • In case of an urgent event, will your company’s data be safe and secure?
  • Will your office peripherals work, like office printers, and will your intranet be functional?
  • Can you recover quickly and effectively from a disaster disruption?
  • Will your employees be safe and how will your company communicate with them?

Put your company’s worries to rest, as digiSYNC has you covered with experience and knowledge about how to help your business navigate the tricky waters of a potential IT disaster with our vast emergency IT support solutions.

Find the best Emergency IT Support Plan for your needs.