3 Practical Pieces of IT Advice For Law Firms

Cyber security and technology. What boring, non-sexy topics.

But they are important ones.

Especially when dealing with clients that are in the financial services and healthcare sectors, IT and technology are a large part of the law firm client relationships.

So what are law firms to do?

How to effectively manage your law firms IT tasks.

What should a law firm do to effectively manage data security?

First, we’d suggest conducting a vulnerability scan of your network. You need to understand how technology provides protection to you from the bad guys.

You need to know what’s happening on your network, how to implement new security technologies, and how IT can be of value when recruiting and retaining people within your law firm.

Moreover, you’ll want to figure out what threats and risks are caused by a poorly prepared IT network. A vulnerability scan will help you accomplish all this.

Protect against risk.

Risk within your IT department is hard. We get it.

And you’re not alone.

Most law firms aren’t aware of how to protect themselves against IT threats that pose a risk. And that’s not anyone’s fault.

The problem is because you don’t truly understand your data security risk points, and therefore can’t develop a solid data security risk process.

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Document vulnerabilities.

The final piece in the risk profile puzzle involves documenting vulnerabilities.

Most law firms engage in some type of IT-vulnerability testing, but often such assessments are purely technical in nature. To get the most of a vulnerability assessment, you should focus on vulnerabilities that could expose your law firm to the specific threats.

Your assessment should go beyond technical vulnerabilities, such as un-patched servers or open firewall ports, and should focus on creating policies and procedures so you can execute and implement them.

Documenting and developing IT processes is important, but execution of these documented processes is the most critical part.

The best advice comes with action.

At DigiSync Technology Solutions, we’re here to help you plan and execute your technology plans, by outsourcing your IT.

For more help with this and other IT topics, email us here to learn more about how we can help you with your outsourced IT issues.